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Showing posts from July, 2022


MEETING AT NIGHT         Robert Browning   1. What is the central idea of the poem "Meeting at Night". Robert Browning believes that love is a power, a strong emotion that can conquer all adversities in life. The poem describes how a man secretly travels to meet his beloved and thinks nothing of the obstacles that may come his way. He is determined to achieve his goal. Every line of the poem expresses the intense emotions of the poet. The poem vividly describes the lover's desperation to reach his destination for which he finally defies all problems and obstacles. Browning proved that love can conquer all. Browning's optimistic philosophy of life proves that love is the guiding light of life that makes humanity proud.  2. Discuss about the significance of the title of the poem "Meeting at Night". Robert Browning's 'Meeting at Night' is a poem about a meeting of lovers at night. The title of the poem emphasizes the mystery present in the poem.


                  THANK YOU MA'AM                                          J.M.Langston Hughes 1. What happened to Mrs Jones when she was coming home? What did she do immediately? Do you think she was right in doing that? Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was returning home from the hotel's beauty shop around eleven o'clock at night. A weak, naughty-looking boy was chasing her and trying to snatch her bag. Unfortunately, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.  Mrs. Jones kicked him, told him to pick up the bag and grabbed the front of his shirt tightly. She then dragged him home and fed him. Mrs. Jones' initial behavior was highly emotional. Any woman would do that if she was robbed of her hard earned money. Jones later proved to be a loving mother. Roger thanked her. So her behavior could be considered sympathetic. 2. Discuss the character of Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones. Or What are the characteristics of the character Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones in t


  Composed Upon Westminster Bridge                -----------William Wordsworth  1. Comment on Wordsworth's treatment of nature with reference to 'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge'.  Nature has always emerged as a living entity to Wordsworth. On his way to Paris very early in the morning, the poet had the opportunity to appear in front of the thrilling beauty of the city of London. The beauty of the city of London from Westminster Bridge fascinates him. So the poet exclaims______ "Earth has not anything to show more fair" To the poet, the city seemed to be clothed a garment of morning beauty. The whole environment is calm, soothing and the air is smoke free. " A sight so touching in its majesty: ThisCity now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare," So all the sights and sounds of nature have an undisturbed appeal of beauty. The   sun has spread the beauty of its radiance over the valley ,mountains and rocks.  "Never did s