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Showing posts from August, 2022


                        THREE QUESTIONS                                                   L eo Tolstoy 1. What is the theme of the story 'Three Questions'? Or Justify the title of Tolstoy's story 'Three Questions'. Or What were the three questions? What did the Tsar do to find their answers?  Leo Tolstoy's short story presents three questions which are sometimes encountered by people. In this story a Tsar seeks answers to three questions. What is the most productive time to start any work? Who are the most important people? And what are the essential duties? The moment these three questions began to torment him, he announces that those who will be able to answer will be rewarded. But the Tsar is not satisfied with any scholar's answer as different scholars answer differently of that questions. At las...


                THE POETRY OF EARTH                                         John Keats  1. Discuss the significance of the title of the poem 'The Poetry of the Earth'. The poem ,' The Poetry of the Earth'  is addressing the beauty of the Earth through the lyrics of Grasshopper and the Cricket's song. Here the Grasshopper behaves like a summer poet and sings the summer song.The grasshopper sings when the birds get tired and take shelter in the cool shade of the trees.  "And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run     From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;     That is the Grasshopper’s—he takes the lead  In summer luxury," In winter, when the frost blankets the earth, the crickets are responsible for carrying nature's song along with shrill voice. "On a lone winter evening, when the frost  ...