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Showing posts from January, 2023

Leela's Friend

                                        Leela's Friend                                          R.k Narayan 1 . Discuss the Character of Sidda.  Sidda was a poor boy. He belonged to a poor society.  Sidda was assigned to the house of the Shivashankar Is especially for his cleanliness. He was assigned to do laundry, tend to the garden, run errands, chop wood and take care of 5-year-old Leela. He used to obey Leela's orders.  He was a patient playmate and highly imaginative. He was able at perceiving the mind of children and possessed a present wit. He was a good story teller and could tell amazing stories that filled Leela's mind with wonder. Sidda had to suffer the humiliation of losing the gold chain.  He was subjected to cruel exploitation by the upper class.  Here Sidda is a tragic character.  He is deprived of justice . 2. Discuss the character of Leela. Leela is the main character of the story by R.K Narayan ' Leela's Friend' . She is the only child of Mr