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                       H.W Longfellow

1) How is the wind personified in H.W.Longfellow's 'Daybreak'?


How does the wind inspire different objects to welcome the daybreak?


Discuss about the different activities of the wind in the poem Daybreak.

In the poem Daybreak, H.W Longfellow has attributed personality to the wind. He presents the wind as a living entity here. It is the messenger of the morning and the guide of responsibility and accountability. Here the wind rises from the sea and tells the fog to make room for it. The wind calls on the forest to open its dormant leaves. It touches the wings of the birds of the forest and inspires them to sing. It whispers to the field and requests to accept the new one. 

So we can conclude that  everything in nature seems to be greeted by the wind on its way to a new light. Daybreak has opened up new horizons of new possibilities

2."It crossed the churchyard with sigh

And said, Not yet! in quite lie"----

Why does the wind sigh here? Why does the the wind say so?


Is there any change in the tone in the last line? Or

Explain the significance of this line.

In the poem 'Daybreak' by Longfellow, the wind mourns the last two lines for those who are lying in the grave. 

The wind has brought the message of the arrival of the new day and has appealed to everyone to wake up from sleep. He appealed to the corpses to lie down because it was not yet time for them to wake up. Here the Biblical concept of death and rebirth is drawn. According to this belief, the corpse will rise from the grave on the Day of Judgment and be reborn. Here is a clearer indication that behind this new and lively vibe there is always a momentary melody. 

3. "Awake O bell, proclaim the hour"---

Who says this and when? How does the poet want the bell to proclaim the hour?

In the poem "Daybreak" written by Longfellow, 

The wind says this when it blows through the belfry-tower.

The poet here has attributed the personality to the wind as the bearer of the message of good morning. The wind carries the message of good morning to every creature and natural object.

Waking up from the sea, the wind has conveyed the message of work to everyone in the world. The wind requested the church bell so that it could spread the word of joy to everyone. To the poet, the hour is the guide of the new generation here. The wind carries the message as the poet's spokesman that it is time to wake up from the unknown and instability. The poet has uttered the words of a renaissance.

4. How does Longfellow use sound devices, imagery and cultural beliefs to project his feelings?

Longfellow describes his poetry through artistic touch. The poet invites the morning to come at the end of a slow night. The wind speaks to us with the message of the coming of the day.

The wind with its speed greeted the ship, forest, field and the church cemetery. 'belfry-tower', 'leafy-banners', 'folded wing', 'Clarion blow' these phrases clearly mesmerize and evoke magical feelings in the minds of the readers.

They become speechless in the sweetness of all these syllables. The extraordinary use of scenery makes the whole narrative visually pleasing.

At the same time the off-artificiality, the soft sweetness and the liveliness of the expression have made the imagery glow.. These make the poem an incomparable creation of art.


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